Well folks, it's time again for Fun Find Friday, where I share with you my favourite new products or information from...
Results for: Home/Blog
Fun Find Friday – My Two Most Used Kitchen Hacks.
Hello hello! It's Friday yet again, and that means it's time for Fun Find Friday, where I share my favourite finds or...
Fun Find Friday – Books about Fermentation.
Happy Friday everyone! It's time again for Fun Find Friday, where I put my shopping addiction to good use and share my...
Fun Find Friday – Fermentation Equipment and Tools.
Happy Friday! It's time for another Fun Find Friday, where I share with you fun or useful things that I've bought or...
Is strict adherence to the perfect diet or health-routine making you sicker?
Oftentimes I write a blog because I want to share science or information that I know, in a general sense. Other times,...
Fun Find Friday – The 100 Nutrient Smoothie!
Happy Friday everybody! It's time once again for Fun Find Friday, where I share my favourite finds or healthy...
Fun Find Friday – Legume Pastas!
Hello and happy Friday. I hope you've had a great week! It's time once again for Fun Find Friday, where I share...
Fun Find Friday – My Favourite Healthy Podcasts
Happy Friday everybody. It's time for Fun Find Friday, where I share my favourite purchases or finds with you all....
Fun Find Friday – Sauerkraut!
Happy Friday everybody. It's time for Fun Find Friday, where I share what I've been loving, buying or discovering this...
Fun Find Friday – A Brownie Recipe!
Happy Friday everybody! It's time for me to share with you all anything fun that I have bought or discovered, or some...
Fun Find Friday – Favourite Teas this month.
Well it's time for another Fun Find Friday folks. I hope you've all had a wonderful week. Tea is a big deal in my...
Fun Find Friday – Non-Toxic Shampoo and Conditioner
It's time for Fun Find Friday yet again. Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! Non Toxic Hair Care As you know from...
A Peek into my Grocery Shopping
I have been thinking a lot recently about diversity and abundance. To the point that I think they are my new...
Epstein Barr virus and Autoimmunity.
Autoimmune disease is part of an overwhelming boom in chronic illness in the western world. There are more than 80...
Fun Find Friday – Book: The Digestive Health Solution (2nd Ed.).
Ok, it's time for Fun Find Friday again. I hope you've all had a healthy week! The Digestive Health Solution. Today I...
How I Survive Long Haul Travel with Food Restrictions.
Travelling when you have food restrictions is not easy, but it is do-able. There is no reason that travel needs to...
Fun Find Friday – Non-Toxic Mattress.
Well it's Friday yet again, I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. It's Mother's day in Australia and the USA this...
Fun Find Friday – Non-Toxic Bedding.
It's time for Fun Find Friday! Where I share my favourite new things with you. Hello there! How's everybody's week...
Fun Find Friday!
It's Friday! Another busy week draws to a close, and while it's been hectic somehow there's been time for shopping. So...
The Importance of Setbacks While Healing.
Today I want to talk about something very common. I make a point of discussing this with new patients usually in the...
A Little Announcement
I started studying with the Institute for Functional Medicine in 2011. The first module I did was Hormones and I was...
What it’s like to be diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease in our Current Medical System.
Do you have an Autoimmune Disease? Let me just start by saying that having an Autoimmune Disease just plain sucks. If...
6 Essential Kitchen Items Every Healthy Kitchen Needs!
Kitchen Equipment What equipment would you expect to find in a Healthy Kitchen? I had to teach myself how to cook...
An ode to Broccoli, the humble Superfood.
How many people in the general population do you think have eaten goji berries? Or had an Acai Bowl? How many little...
Coeliac Disease: What you NEED to know. Part 4 – Why do I have NEW symptoms???
After diagnosis and starting the gluten free diet, did you develop symptoms that you’ve never had before? Or...
Coeliac Disease: What you need to know Part 3 – Coeliac Disease and Your Brain!
This is the third article in a series. Click here to read Part One, and here to read Part Two. Coeliac disease and...
Five on Friday – Part Two
Well folks, here are are again at the end of the week. I hope you have all had a great one. It's time for another Five...
Coeliac Disease – What you NEED to know! (Part 2)
A common issue that I have come across in people with coeliac disease, after diagnosis, is that they can have symptoms...
Coeliac Disease. What you NEED to know, but might not have been told.
What does it mean to have Coeliac Disease? Part 1. When I was diagnosed in 2004, I was told that my villi were...
Guest Post: Terry Wahls MD – What Your Doctor Didn’t Learn in Medical School.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb that goes something like this: The wise physician prevents disease, the mediocre...
Hashimoto’s Disease – A Functional Approach
Perhaps no disease is more overlooked in the healthcare system, than Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease where the...
The Importance of the Clinician-Patient Relationship.
One of the central values of Functional Medicine, and of particular importance to me, is the importance of what we...