Gluten free bread has come a VERY long way since I was diagnosed Coeliac in 2004. However they are mostly still not great AND so so many of them are chock full of absolute junk, in an attempt to make it look at behave like gluten containing bread.

For a long time, I just didn’t eat any kind of bread really, but now with 3 kids, it’s a lot more convenient to have something to pop in the toaster to fill a hungry tummy quickly and easily (mine OR the kids).

On top of gluten free, our family is also dairy and egg free, so the search is even more specific.

The good news is, I have found several GREAT breads recently. I’m so impressed with them that I am writing this post about it so I can share my good fortune around.

My criteria is that it needs of course, to taste really good. But also that it doesn’t contain junk and has nutritious ingredients as well if possible.

Here is what I have found, in no particular order:

Calvins Free From Coconut Flatbreads.

Suuuuper simple ingredients, delivered regularly, small woman-owned business (a mum who created the bread for her son’s health needs) and delicious. These are flatbreads, not a loaf, and made with coconut flour which is very filling so a single one is usually enough, high fibre means it’s great for stable blood glucose (which is fab for kids and also parents). Slightly sweet flavour, so I love this with a nut butter.

Calvins Free From Foods

8 Foods Keto rolls and cinnamon bagels.

These are fun and delicious. I find them slightly on the expensive side for a family of 5 so they are more of a weekend food for us than our every day bread. They also have nuts so it’s a no for school lunches. But, they’re great. Filling, great for stable blood sugar and they are yummy. An easy win for our family.

Keto8 Breads

Living Seedful. Buckwheat Seed Bread.

For when you just want an easy slice of toast. This bread is packed full of seeds, high fibre, tastes delicious, is available from lots of different stores (Ocado, Amazon, Holland and Barrett) which is convenient. Not highly processed.

Living Seedful at Ocado

Life changing Loaf of Bread from Your New Roots.

Ok, this one is obviously a recipe, not a commercially available loaf, but if you don’t know about it, you need to. It’s what I used for bread before I found the above 3 and of course it’s much cheaper and creates less packaging waste to make rather than buy your own. I try and make 2 – 3 loaves at a time, slice them and then freeze them for convenience. This recipe is extremely malleable. I make it with just seeds for school lunch boxes, with buckwheat or teff flour instead of flakes, I turn it in to hot cross buns or banana bread. Just try and keep the ratios the same of your dry ingredients and don’t ever omit the psyllium husk. I come back to this bread again and again and again. I can change the flavour profile to suit my mood with herbs and spices, you can choose whichever ingredients suit your body or tastes the best, increase or decrease carbs, make it nut free, make it sweet. And it’s SO easy to make. No faffing.

Here is this recipe turned in to crackers. Warning, they are addictive.

Ok, now I’d love to hear from you! Do you have a favourite GF bread? Do you make your own? Have you tried any of these, and what did you think???

Do you still have symptoms even though you’re on the Gluten Free Diet?

Not sure if you are even Gluten Sensitive or Coeliac?

We’d love to help you!

Click here to book a call with me.

My signature course Foundations of Health is another tool to help you improve your health from the foundations up.

And if you’d like to stay up to date with my new blogs, recipes and recommendation: Sign up for my newsletter!

Robyn Puglia

My mission in life is to share my knowledge in order to help people heal. I love to unravel the health stories and the biochemistry to get to the heart of the problem, and to help support nutritional and lifestyle changes that have the ability to transform people’s health. I have seen incredible changes in the health of my clients, and I hope to do the same for you.

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