Autoimmune disease is on the rise, now affecting 1 in 10 people in the UK (Lancet, 2023). Yet, despite its increasing...
Results for: Autoimmune Disease
A Functional Medicine Guide to Epstein Barr Virus
Epstein Barr Virus (aka Human Herpes 4, EBV) is one of the most common human viruses. More than 90% of the population...
Food as Medicine: The Power of Garlic to Support your Immune System
Garlic, an ancient medicine. Garlic has been valued for its medicinal properties for centuries, dating back...
How to learn from me for FREE
I just LOVE to teach and educate and to create content!! But.......we are in a cost of living crisis. So I thought I'd...
3 Harmful Hashimoto’s Myths – BUSTED.
Many many people who have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Underactive Thyroid, end up online looking for more...
Cutting Out Foods: Is Food Restriction Really the Best Fit for Autoimmune Management?
Many people with autoimmunity spend a lot of time online, searching and researching the right diet for autoimmune...
Do You Know the Perfect Diet for Autoimmune Disease?
If you have an autoimmune disease, chances are very high, that you are online and in various communities related to...
Diet and Autoimmune Disease: Does Cross Reactivity Affect the Food You Eat?
Eating when you have an autoimmune disease can feel like a risky business. Especially if you haven’t prepared the meal...
Food Intolerance Testing: Want to Find Out Your Autoimmune Food Triggers?
What foods, if any, should be eliminated when you have autoimmunity is probably the number one most discussed subject....
Oral Tolerance: Is your immune system attacking the food you eat?
How many times have you started a new diet that promises to cure your autoimmune disease? You bought the latest...
The Truth About Curing Your Autoimmunity
Are your expectations of curing your autoimmunity realistic? Brain fog. Aches and pains. Headaches. Fatigue....
Is Your Medication Reacting Poorly with Your Food?
6 Common Medication Groups – How They Interact with Your Foods and Supplements A large number of my patient population...
Is Your Child at Risk of Autoimmunity?
If you are a parent with an autoimmune disease, especially if it has seriously affected your quality of life or your...
Pregnancy and Autoimmune Disease
You’re at the point in your life where your career and relationship is stable, and you’re ready for the next...
Silicone and Autoimmune Disease: Are Your Breast Implants Toxic?
As women, we have a complicated relationship with our breasts. And breast augmentation remains a popular option – in...
Coeliac Disease – What You Need to Know Part 5: Are your symptoms always down to gluten?
Think you've been Glutened? Last night, you went out with friends, had a couple of drinks and a lovely meal. You...
What the British Cycling Team can teach you about reclaiming your health.
Does this sound familiar? You’ve been doing really well. Haven’t had any slip-ups on the strict diet you follow, no...
Is your relationship to your body or your illness stopping you from healing?
Living with a chronic illness or autoimmune condition is tough. Do you: Resent or feel betrayed by your body? Feel...
Your Toxic Burden: How to Reduce It and Improve Your Health
In parts one and two of this series, we explored how detoxification in the body works, and how toxin sensitivity can...
Your Toxic Burden: Toxin Tolerance or Sensitivity?
What do you think of when you hear the word toxins? Perhaps you picture them on an industrial scale: coal plants...
Your Toxic Burden: How Detoxification in the Body Works
Thanks to the rise of health gurus in the media and across social networks, it’s likely you may have seen articles...
Genetics and Autoimmunity
Genetics and Autoimmunity Welcome to video three in the series on autoimmune disease....
What Really Happens When You Have Autoimmunity and Drink Alcohol?
The subject of alcohol is a tricky one to navigate in my clinical practice. It’s pretty socially acceptable not to eat...
9 Proven Ways to Calm Your Stress when it’s an Autoimmune Trigger
In part one of the series, I explored how autoimmune disease and emotional trauma are linked, and how repetition of...
Can Stress and Anxiety Cause Autoimmune Disease?
Part one of two in a series examining autoimmunity and trauma. If you have a long-term autoimmune disease, it's easy...
A Surprising Autoimmune Trigger Hiding In Your Mouth
Does this sound like you? You’ve been ill with an autoimmune disease for a while, but you can’t recall a battle...
Autoimmune Triggers: Is There a Magic Bullet for Everybody?
Autoimmune disorders are on the rise in the westernised world. You, or someone dear to you, might be struggling with...
How the Immune System Works and What Goes Wrong!
How the Immune System Works and What Goes Wrong! In this second video describing what autoimmunity is all about, we...
What is Autoimmunity
What is Autoimmunity Welcome to my video series on autoimmune disease. I'm...
Coeliac Disease – what to do when you ‘get glutened’
If you have Coeliac Disease (celiac disease, CD) or any other gluten-reactive autoimmune disease, no matter how...
Is strict adherence to the perfect diet or health-routine making you sicker?
Oftentimes I write a blog because I want to share science or information that I know, in a general sense. Other times,...
Epstein Barr virus and Autoimmunity.
Autoimmune disease is part of an overwhelming boom in chronic illness in the western world. There are more than 80...