Are you a huge fan of cauliflower like me? If so, you have to try this creamy cauliflower mash!


  • 1 large head cauliflower (~1.5 kg)
  • 5 large cloves garlic, peeled (can omit if you don’t like or tolerate)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
  • 2 tablespoons ghee, olive oil, avocado oil, or other fat
  • 1/2 teaspoon of thyme 
  • Zest of half a lemon


First, steam the cauliflower with salt, pepper and garlic until it is very soft. I usually do this for around 10 minutes or even a little more. 
Empty the water from the saucepan you used for steaming, and add the cooked cauliflower and garlic, and all the other ingredients. Use an immersion blender to puree everything until smooth and creamy. Add more salt and pepper to taste. 

Sueson Vess is a professional chef, author/food writer and educator helping people eat healthier, especially those with food intolerances and others with chronic illnesses. She is passionate about nutrition and helping others achieve and maintain a “good for your health” lifestyle. There are always delicious, helpful and healthy solutions! Her focus is on “Foods with Benefits” – learning to increase delicious beneficial foods in your daily life. Sueson makes bone broth at Nature’s Own in North Carolina, and teaches cooking classes at FirstHeath and Duke Cancer Center. She is a regular contributing writer for Sandhills Naturally and Gluten-Free & More publications.

Robyn Puglia

My mission in life is to share my knowledge in order to help people heal. I love to unravel the health stories and the biochemistry to get to the heart of the problem, and to help support nutritional and lifestyle changes that have the ability to transform people’s health. I have seen incredible changes in the health of my clients, and I hope to do the same for you.

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