Why I Offer Group Sessions
Community and support.
A very common complaint in the chronically ill is that you feel very isolated. Your families and friends are often so accustomed to you being ill that they don’t really offer sympathy or empathy any longer, or they straight up complain.
You don’t go to birthday parties or outings with friends and family or you have to keep a very restricted diet at social events. It can be very hard.
Working with a group of people who are in the same situation as yourself is the opposite, you now find yourself within a small community who are facing the same struggles. You suddenly have a whole community around you to share ideas with, swap recipes, offer encouragement to each other on the hard days, trouble shoot and if you really need a moan, here is a little group who won’t judge and actually know what you are going through too. It’s very difficult to over-estimate the positive impact this has on health and healing. It literally changes the immune system in a positive way.
There have even been studies showing that those who feel isolated have poorer outcomes than those that are in a support group, or working group of their peers. (These studies also show great benefit for those who take up a martial art by the way, but I don’t offer those classes, haha.)
One study (on cancer, not autoimmunity) showed a survival rate three times as long in those who attended a support group vs the control group. Which is to say that community and peer support has a tremendous effect on our immune system.
You still get one-on-one attention from me.
With every group, I still offer individual sessions to interpret test results and discuss anything that can’t or shouldn’t be shared with the group. Your program will still be personalised to meet your specific requirements.
You have more people focusing on your case, not just me.
I don’t run the groups alone. I have a wonderful team who are highly experienced and educated and you will be benefiting from the collected wisdom of the whole team.
It’s great value for money.
This is a really important aspect. If you’re chronically ill, you may not be working much or at all and consultations, tests, food and supplements all add up really fast. Working in groups is a great way to get the support, structure and professional guidance you need to move your health forwards, with a more affordable price point attached.
It’s no longer you and Dr. Google trying to figure it all out yourself.
The internet is a brilliant and wonderful place and a tremendous source of information for those of you who are being failed by our acute-model, overwhelmed medical system. However, I find myself deeply concerned for those who are trying to swim in that ocean alone. It has taken me more than 10 years of fairly intensive formal education plus countless hours of informal education to feel confident knowing what different symptoms indicate, and which intervention or nutritional strategy might be helpful, and if it’s not, why that might be. I remember how overwhelmed I felt at the end of 3 years of education, having to advocate for myself and work out my own health, and I’m sure a lot of you feel that way too, even more so because you’re starting your journey from scratch. Trying to work it out for yourself is really hard, and more than that, you can be lead down a wrong path for a long time before you realise it. These professionally supported groups are my way of helping as many people as possible, safely navigate the path forwards.
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